1. Z.-G. Ye, "Relaxor Ferroelectric Complex Perovskites: Structures, Properties and Phase Transitions", Key Engineering Materials, vols. 155-156, pp. 81-122 (1998).
  2. Y. J. Yamashita, Y. Hosono, K. Harada and Z.-G. Ye, “Relaxor Ferroelectric Crystals – Recent Development and Applications”, in “Piezoelectric Materials in Devices”, N. Setter (Editor and Publisher), ISNB: 2-9700346-3, Lausanne, pp. 455 – 466 (2002).
  3. Z.-G. Ye, "Crystal Chemistry and Domain Structure of Relaxor Piezocrystals", Current Opinions in Solid State and Materials Science, 6, 35 – 44 (2002).
  4. A. A. Bokov and Z.-G. Ye, “Morphotropic Phase Boundary and Related Properties in Relaxor-Based Piezoelectric Perovskite Solid Solutions”, Ceramics Transaction, 136 , 37 – 53 (2003).
  5. Y. Yamashita, Y. Hosono, and Z.-G. Ye, “Recent Development Trend of Piezoelectric Single Crystals: A Review”, Transac. Mater. Res. Soc. Jpn., 29 [4], 1059 – 1066 (2004).
  6. Z.-G. Ye, “Relaxor-Based Piezo-/Ferroelectric Single Crystals: Synthesis, Properties and Understanding”, in “Ferroelectric Single Crystals”, pp. 297 – 322, Ed. S. Trolier-McKinstry, L. E. Cross, and Y. Yamashita, Penn State University (2004).
  7. Y. J. Yamashita, and Z.-G. Ye, “Worldwide Resources for Piezoelectric Single Crystals”, in “Ferroelectric Single Crystals”, pp. 37 – 47, Ed. S. Trolier-McKinstry, L. E. Cross, and Y. Yamashita, Penn State University (2004).
  8. A. A. Bokov and Z.-G. Ye, “Recent Progress in Relaxor Ferroelectrics and Related Materials with Perovskite Structure”, J. Mater. Sci., 41, 31 – 52 (2006) [a special issue on Frontiers of Ferroelectricity].
  9. Y. Bing and Z.-G. Ye, “Piezo- and Ferroelectric (1-x)Pb(Sc1/2Nb1/2)O3-xPbTiO3 Solid Solution System”, in Z.-G. Ye (ed.), “Handbook of Advanced Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Materials – Synthesis, Properties and Applications”, Chapter 7, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK [ISBN:1 84569 186 5] (2008).
  10. K. Babooram and Z.-G. Ye, “Novel Solution Routes to Ferroelectrics and Relaxors”, in Z.-G. Ye (ed.), “Handbook of Advanced Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Materials – Synthesis, Properties and Applications”, Chapter 28, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK [ISBN:1 84569 186 5] (2008).
  11. Z.-G. Ye, "High-Performance Piezoelectric Single Crystals of Complex Perovskite Solid Solutions", Mater. Res. Soc. Bull., Vol. 34, No. 4 (2009) pp. 277-283.
  12. A. A. Bokov and Z.-G. Ye, “Dielectric Relaxation in Relaxor Ferroelectrics”, J. Adv. Dielectrics, 2(2), 1241010/1-24 (2012).
  13.  Z.-G. Ye, “The State of Relaxor Ferroelectrics”, J. Adv. Dielectrics, 2(2), 1202001/1-3 (2012).
  14. A. A. Bokov and Z.-G. Ye, “Dielectric Relaxation in Relaxor Ferroelectrics”, J. Adv. Dielectrics, 2(2), 1241010/1-24 (201 2) [Downloaded 2850 times and cited by 163 times, as of June, 2020 (].
  15. A. A. Bokov and Z.-G. Ye, “Reentrant Phenomena in Relaxors”, in Nanoscale Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics: Key Processing and Characterization Issues, and Nanoscale Effects, Vol . II , Eds .: M. Algueró, J. M. Gregg and L. Mitoseriu (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, May, 2016) pp.729-764 (Chapter 23) , [ ISBN: 978-1-118-93575-0].
  16. H. Zhang, M. A. Marwat, B. Xie, M. Ashtar, K. Liu, Y. Zhu, L. Zhang, P. Fan, C. Samart, and Z.-G. Ye, "Polymer Matrix Nanocomposites with 1D Ceramic Nanofillers for Energy Storage Capacitor Applications", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12 (1), 1 - 37 (2020) [DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3b15005].
  17. A. A. Bokov and Z.-G. Ye, "Chapter 3: Recent Progress in Relaxor Ferroelectrics with Perovskite Structure", In: L. Jin (ed), "Progress in Advanced Dielectrics" , World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 105-164 (2020).


Z.-G. Ye (ed.), “Handbook of Advanced Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Materials – Synthesis, Properties and Applications”, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK [ISBN:1 84569 186 5, March 2008, 1096 pages].

        OTHER PUBLICATIONS (Standards, Editorials, Reports, etc.)

  1. Y. J. Yamashita and Z.-G. Ye, “Up-to-date Who-is-Who of Piezoelectric Single Crystals Research World Wide”, in Newsletter of NIH Transducer Research Center, Penn State University, Issue No. 3, pp. 7–12, July 2002.
  2. Z.-G. Ye (Contributing Author) et al., “Plan to 2050 for Materials Research with Neutron Beams in Canada”, submitted to the Government of Canada on behalf of Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering, 2007.
  3. Z.-G. Ye, “Editorial Note”, J. Adv. Dielectrics, 1 (3), pp. v – vi (2011).
  4. Z.-G. Ye, X. Tan and A. A. Bokov, “Introduction to the Special Issue on the IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics and International Symposium on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar aterials ”, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control , 59 (9), 1853 -1854 (2012).
  5. Z.-G. Ye, “The State of Relaxor Ferroelectrics” (Editorial on Special Issue on “Relaxor Ferroelectrics), J. Adv. Dielectrics, 2(2), 1202001/1-3 (201 2).
  6. S. V. Kalinin, Z.-G. Ye and A. Kholkin, “ Preface to Special Topic: Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials”, J. Appl. Phys., 112, 051901 (2012).
  7. Z.-G. Ye, “ High-Performance Piezo-/Ferroelectric Crystals (Editorial on Special Issue on Piezocrystals) , J. Adv. Dielectrics , 4 (1), 1402001-1/2 (2014).
  8. Z.-G. Ye, “ Frontiers in Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Materials (Editorial) , J. Adv. Dielectrics , 5 (2), 1502001-1/2 (2015).
  9. Z.-G. Ye, L. Ewart et al., "Standard for Relaxor-Based Single Crystals for Transducer and Actuator Applications", The Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), IEEE Standard 1859 TM-2017.
  10. C. Jones, P. W. Percival, A. J. Bennet, S. Holdcroft, N. R. Branda, B. M. Pinto, G. R. Agnes, Z.-G. Ye, and D. B. Leznoff, "SFU Chemistry 1965–2016", Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 96, V – IX (2018).
  11. H. Wu, A. A. Bokov, and Z.-G. Ye, "Guest Editorial on the Proceedings of the 6 th International Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics (IWRF-2018)", Ferroelectrics, 553:1, vii – viii (2019).
  12. A. A. Bokov and Z.-G. Ye, "1000 at 1000: Relaxor Ferroelectrics Undergoing Accelerated Growth", Invited Editorial as part of the series “1000 at 1000”, highlighting the Journal of Materials Science’s most highly cited publications (> 1000 times) as part of the journal’s celebration of 1000 issues, J. Mater. Res. , Vol. 55, Issue 34 (2020).
  13. A. A. Bokov, Z.-G. Ye, X. Yao. X. Wei, N. Zhang and J. Gong, "A Decade of Development in Advanced Dielectrics Research from JAD’s Perspectives" (An editorial celebrating the 10 th anniversary of JAD), J. Adv. Dielectrics, 10 (4), 2001001/1-5 (2020).


  1. Z.-G. Ye (Ed.), "Special Issue on The State of Relaxor Ferroelectrics", J. Adv. Dielectrics, Vol. 2, Issue 2 (2012)  [Contributing Authors: W. Kleemann W, J. Wang, V. V. Shvartsman, S. Kojima, P. Gehring, J. Hlinka, et al.; Number of Pages = 126].
  2. S. V. Kalinin, Z.-G. Ye and A. Kholkin (Ed.), "Special Topic: Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials”, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 112, Issue 5 (2012) [Contributing Authors: S. Yasui, H. J. Liu, S. Farokhipoor, et al.; Number of Pages = 125].
  3. Z.-G. Ye (Ed.), "Special Issue on Special Issue on High-Performance Piezo-/Ferroelectric Crystals", J. Adv. Dielectrics, Vol. 4, Issue 1 (2014) [Contributing Authors: C. He, F. Fang, J. Chen, R. Imura, V. Ya. Shur, et al.; Number of Pages = 94].
  4. Z.-G. Ye (Ed.), "Frontiers in Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Materials - A Special Issue in Honour of Professor Xi Yao ", J. Adv. Dielectrics, Vol. 5, Issue 2 (2015) [ Contributing Authors:C. Elissalde, E. Taghaddos, J. M. Liu, S. Shin, J. Pokorny, et al.; Number of Pages = 88].
  5. Z.-G. Ye (Ed.), "Special Issue on Lead-free Piezoelectrics and Novel Ferroic Materials", J. Adv. Dielectrics, Vol. 6, Issue 2 (2016) [Contributing Authors: A. J. Bell, S. Prasertpalicha, M. Maglione, V. Cooper, M. Algueró, et al.; Number of Pages = 97].
  6. H. Wu, A. A. Bokov, and Z.-G. Ye (Eds.), "Proceedings of the 6 th International Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics(IWRF-2018)", in Ferroelectrics, vol. 553:1, 2019.